Les Possédés d’Illfurth
Munstrum Théâtre
I have been told the story of the “Possessed of Illfurth” since I was a little boy. It happened in my village in Alsace. My grandfather lived in the old Burner family home. I was always fascinated by that story. What strange «evil» were these two little boys suffering from? If this question did haunt me as a child, today, other questions arise. How do our beliefs shape our relationship to reality, to morality? Why do we need to believe? Today, by what do we allow ourselves to be possessed?
Lionel Lingelser
It is without a mask that Lionel Lingelser brings us the intimate story of Helios, his autofictive double. He summons his demons, goes in search of his «intimate wound». He draws an imaginary and poetic thread between both stories in an initiatory journey that celebrates the power of the imagination and asserts the life-saving power of theatre.
With this solo, the Munstrum Theatre pays a vibrant tribute to the part of childhood and innocence where all fantasies are possible, which helps the imagination to transform itself into a refuge, an unshakable fortress in the face of reality.
With Lionel Lingelser
Directed by Lionel Lingelser
Text by Yann Verburgh in collaboration with Lionel Lingelser
Artistic collaboration Louis Arene
Lighting designer Victor Arancio
Sound designer Claudius Pan
Stage management Ludovic Enderlen/ Victor Arancio
Production Clémence Huckel – Independence
Booking Florence Bourgeon – Les Indépendances
Press Murielle Richard
Production Munstrum Theatre
Co-production La Filature, Scène Nationale de Mulhouse
& Scènes de rue – Festival des Arts de la rue
With the support of the City of Mulhouse and the European Community of Alsace.
The Munstrum Théâtre company is associated to La Filature, Scène nationale de Mulhouse, the Théâtre Public de Montreuil, Centre dramatique national, the TJP CDN Strasbourg-Grand Est and as of September 2023, the Célestins, Théâtre de Lyon.
The company is funded by DRAC Grand Est, Région Grand Est & the City of Mulhouse.