An Evening with Raimund
Aiming at leaving the balcony open, like Raimund Hoghe invited us to with the title of the piece Si je meurs, laissez le balcon ouvert (2010) [If I Die, Leave the Balcony Open], his dancers got together to pay him a first tribute. In an ephemeral performance, danced fragments chosen from his repertoire will revive the wave of humanity and poetry that Raimund Hoghe was able to delicately place on each of us, dancers and spectators.
“Don’t cry, there’ll be another spring
I know our hearts will dance again
And sing again, so wait for me till then…”
— Peggy Lee, in the piece Young People, Old Voices (2002)
An Evening with Raimund
Creation 2021
Fragments of pieces by Raimund Hoghe from 2002—2019 recomposed by Emmanuel Eggermont and Luca Giacomo Schulte
Artistic collaboration Luca Giacomo Schulte
Set coordination Emmanuel Eggermont, Luca Giacomo Schulte
Performed by Ornella Balestra, Marion Ballester, Astrid Bas, Ji Hye Chung, Adrien Dantou, Lorenzo de Brabandere, Emmanuel Eggermont, Kerstin Pohle, Luca Giacomo Schulte, Takashi Ueno
Lighting Johannes Bernhard Sundrup, Amaury Seval
Sound Silas Bieri, Ansgar Kluge
Production manager Mathieu Hillereau – Les Indépendences
With the musics of Peter Allen, Charles Aznavour, Gilbert Bécaud, Charlie Chaplin, Cesare Andrea Bixio, Pablo Casals, Alain Goraguer, Lee Hazlewood, Arvo Pärt, Henry Purcell, Maurice Ravel, Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski, Luigi Tenco; interpretiert u.a. von: Joséphine Baker, Leonard Bernstein, Dalida, Judy Garland, Michael Jackson, Milly, Liza Minelli, New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Serge Reggiani, Dusty Springfield.
Produced by Hoghe & Schulte
Hoghe & Schulte has the support of the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft NRW, Kunststiftung NRW, Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf.
With the support of Ministère de la Culture – Délégation à la danse (France) and Goethe-Institut Paris.
With special thanks to Marie-Thérèse Allier from La ménagerie de verre in Paris, Tiago Guedes from Teatro Municipal do Porto, Ludger Schnieder from Theater im Pumpenhaus in Münster, Bettina Masuch from tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf, Claude Ratzé from La Bâtie – Festival de Genève, Zvonimir Dobrović from Queer Zagreb, Jean-Paul Montanari from Montpellier Danse, Festival d’Automne à Paris and agnès b.