Cruel Trop Tard

Cruel Trop Tard



It is the formal experience of a former 30-meter-long garage— the OFF room— transformed into a shooting range: a stage crossed by arrows. It is the expression of a sudden idea that bursts forth from 0 to 250 km/h in a quarter of a second, slicing through space—an idea that is, of course, devastating.

It is the proximity of danger to people who choose to organize themselves and live there, much like a village at the foot of a volcano.

It is a stereovision with, on one side, a person who shoots and, on the opposite side, a person who is targeted.

It is the hazy answer to the misty question: what am I aiming at?

Cruel Trop Tard is the first step in creating a longer form for large stages, directed by Tsirihaka Harrivel for 3 to 4 performers, scheduled for 2026/2027.

CRUEL TROP TARD – Premiere on March 6, 2025
Design, Direction & Composition: Tsirihaka Harrivel
Artistic Collaboration: Vimala Pons
Text: Tsirihaka Harrivel & Vimala Pons
General Stage Management: François Boulet
Lighting Design & Management: Alice Panziera
Archer: Caroline Ducrest
Performance: Charlotte Le Hir
Scenography: Tsirihaka Harrivel & François Boulet
Construction: Emilie Braun
Administration, Production, Distribution: Mathieu Hilléreau – Les Indépendances

Production: TOUT ÇA / QUE ÇA
Ménagerie de Verre, Paris
Villa Kujoyama, as part of the post-residency program with the support of Institut Français, Institut Français du Japon, and the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation
Le Lieu Unique, Nantes
Support: With the support of the BNP Paribas Foundation and the City of Paris – Residency laboratory support in the field of performing arts
Residency Hosting: Ménagerie de Verre
Acknowledgments: Compagnie Vivarium Studio, Claude Luzet, Charlotte Le Damany, Marc Chevillon, Loup Gangloff, Nicolas Cesbron

Tsirihaka Harrivel and Vimala Pons are associate artists at Le Lieu Unique (Nantes).
TOUT ÇA / QUE ÇA is supported by the French Ministry of Culture – DRAC Île-de-France.

Villa Kujoyama is an artistic institution within the network of cooperation and cultural action of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Under the supervision of Institut Français du Japon, it operates in coordination with Institut Français and benefits from the support of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation, its main patron.
