Follow us on an ephemeral experience. From afar, it might look a little blurry. It’s through your eyes and sensitivity that details will start to take shape. It all starts in the Jardin de la Vierge, a space given over to puppets. Visual and aural writing made up of juxtapositions of signs on the stage. Images that shift between presence and absence, from transgression to a chant.
Làoùtesyeuxseposent (Whereyoureyesrest)
Premiere July 2021
Conception Johanny Bert
Interpretation Johanny Bert, Faustine Lancel, Thomas Quinart
Artistic collaboration Olivia Burton, Faustine Lancel, Amandine Livet, Thomas Quinart, Gilles Richard
Production : Théâtre de Romette
Coproduction : SACD, Festival d’Avignon, Le Bateau Feu Scène nationale de Dunkerque