Le Groupe O - L'âge bête (2018-2019)
The Groupe O is a collective organized around Lara Marcou (director) and Marc Vittecoq (artistic collaboration). They were the co-founders of the SITU Festival in Veules-les-Roses in 2016.
L’âge bête (The awkward age)
The piece opens on a chase scene involving an adolescent boy and two policemen.
The teenager dies and the cops don’t know if it was their fault. The rest of the piece consists of the enquiry by the two policemen into the death of young Jérémie and flashbacks from his past life. The alternating stories allow us to better understand, through a series of red herrings and missed turns – what really happened.
But this is not what is really important.
Jérémie could have died because of a police mistake, Jérémie could have died because his mother was somewhat irresponsible, Jérémie could have died because his step-father wanted to send him away to an institution for hyperactive youth, Jérémie could have died because his father left before he was old enough to remember, or because he came back a little too late. But all these adults, torturing themselves and asking what they had triggered or hindered in the young man’s life, do not account for Jérémie’s feelings, his sensitivity, his being a teenager, what was important for him and which caused his death.
Premiere November 6, 2018 at the CDN of Normandie-Rouen
Collectively created by the Groupe O
Direction Lara Marcou
Artistic collaboration Marc Vittecoq
with Théo Bluteau, Hugo Brune, Margaux Grilleau, Thomas Mallen, Lorène Menguelti, Pauline Susini
Set design Cassandre Boy
Lighting Sylvain Violet
Production Le Groupe O
Co-productions Théâtre de Vanves under the auspices of the PAN network: Le Préau – CDN of Normandie-Vire; La Comédie – CDN of Normandie-Caen; CDN of Normandie-Rouen; DSN – Scène nationale in Dieppe; Le Tangram – Scène nationale in Evreux Louviers; Le Trident – Scène nationale in Cherbourg; Scène nationale 61 – Alençon, Flers, Mortagne
With support from the DRAC Normandie, the Normandy region, and the General Council of Seine Maritime.
The company is associated with the Préau – CDN of Normandie-Vire beginning in January 2019.
Contact : Colin Pitrat – +33(0)1 43 38 39 30 – production@lesindependances.com