Inconsolable(s) - un jeu dangereux
Groupe Chiendent
He and She, the two protagonists of this story, and a couple in real life, decide to play on stage the experience of separating in front of an audience. On stage, while the performance is taking place, they decide to publicly endanger the most precious thing they have: the love for each other. This dangerous game of doctored exhibition is riding the wave of disaster. Through this fictional staging of a separation, they will tackle the collapse of their certainties and unsettle the foundations of their understanding of the world. Locked in this game of which they no longer master the rules, the true and the false, the fiction and the reality seem no longer possible to distinguish. Their psychic balance is compromised. In a hostile theatrical nature that also breaks up, the two characters are led to experience a deep anguish and to wander, stunned in the ruins of uncertainties. This descent to hell is done surrounding in doubt. Inconsolable and inadequate, haggard and greedy, they are looking for a way out of this detention: the miracle of liberation.
“In this show, we continue our search for creating contact with the spectator. We demystify the event of the theatre so that the spectator feels the courage to express himself there. We want to take him through an experience in which he is associated to the show, in which he is intimately involved and where there is still time for him to act. How to write a show that gives the illusion of taking place in real time? The illusion of the present, of the accident, in addition to providing a perspective of the “everything is possible”, offers jubilation and consolation for the spectator: to live an unexpected and singular gathering. Inconsolable(s) has to be porous to the unique spectators who compose the audience. The space of theatre that we are looking for is the one of the living, where we encourage the spectators to live with the performance and not to remove themselves to make room for it.”
Created in 2019
Direction, writing and performance Nadège Cathelineau and Julien Frégé
Music Sébastien Lejeune/ Loya
Lighting design by Cyril Leclerc
Costumes, plasticity Elizabeth Saint-Jalmes
Direction assistance Penelope Avril
Lights engineer Marie Roussel
General engineer Jérôme Hardouin
Production CDN of Normandy-Rouen
Press Opus 64/ Valérie Samuel, Arnaud Pain
Delegated production CDN of Normandie-Rouen
Coproduction The Groupe Chiendent, Tangram – Scène Nationale d’Évreux Louviers, Mairie of Bayeux, L’Étincelle at Rouen, Le Préau – Centre Dramatique National Normandie-Vire
With the support of Maison Maria Casarès as part of Jeunes Pousses 2019
Thanks to the City of Rouen, the CDN of Normandy-Rouen and ODIA Normandie for their support
The Groupe Chiendent is supported by the DRAC Normandie, the Normandy Region, the Seine-Maritime Department and the City of Rouen